Membership is free and open to all. By becoming a member, you pledge to help at least one person who is a part of our organization. This can be as simple as giving another person advice! In order for NOIAFT to thrive, it is important to take an interest in one another and lend a hand when you can. Upon registration, the NOIAFT team will review your application and follow up if more information is needed for approval. We vet all applications for the safety of our membership.

By becoming a member, you will be put on a mailing list to be informed about screenings, press events, casting calls, etc. You also get access to our members directory. We also promote member projects and spotlight members on our website and social media. 

The goal for the future is to provide internship/job opportunities, workshops, mentorship, fundraising initiatives for creative works and scholarships for our members. 

Before you join, please note that NOIAFT aims to put Italian Americans in a good light and is not responsible for how members present themselves and cannot always verify the legitimacy of a member’s skillset. We simply provide a platform and resources for members to succeed. 

That’s it! Click here to join.

Any questions? Contact Taylor Taglianetti at